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Spelling and Vocabulary Curriculum Reviews

Learning how to choose the correct word and how to spell it are critical skills necessary to persuasive writing. Spelling and vocabulary programs vary from programs that teach spelling through phonetical rules or random lists.

In this post, I will be reviewing four different programs that teach Spelling and/or Vocabulary. I chose each option because I was already familiar with the program (either because I have used all or part of the program or I have considered it myself). There are so many different curriculum options out there that I could not comprehensively cover all of them.. For more curriculum reviews, I recommend checking out Cathy Duffy Reviews for professional reviews or The Homeschool Mom for parent reviews.


Abeka’s Spelling program is part of a comprehensive language arts program that includes phonics, reading, grammar and composition skills, spelling, poetry, and handwriting. Language arts programs are available through 12th grade.

Grammar and Spelling are taught in a very traditional manner. Students will learn grammar rules and will diagram sentences. Grammar is taught through repetition in a spiraling manner. This may get boring for more advanced students. Spelling is taught through a traditional teach, practice, test approach. Words are arranged phonetically and vocabulary is added into the program during the upper elementary grades.

The language program is geared towards independent study, especially after 2nd grade. Much of the work is done in a workbook.

Abeka handwriting teaches a traditional cursive handwriting style using a proper slant. Parents may choose print or cursive formats for handwriting for all grade levels (even as young as K4). Penmanship continues through third grade.

Abeka also offers online options for all of their courses.

Grade 1 Language Arts Parent and Child Kits: $360.50

Grade 2 Language Arts Parent and Child Kits: $414.55

Grade 3 Language Arts Parent and Child Kits: $379.60

You may purchase Abeka product directly from Abeka.

All About Spelling

All About Spelling is a multi-sensory approach to teaching spelling through the use of phonetical rules.

There are seven levels in the program. Lessons for all five levels work for a variety of learning types and skill levels. Lessons are fully scripted, telling parents exactly what to say and do.

All About Spelling is very much an open-and-go program. Teachers flip to the next page in the teacher’s manual and grab the next few flashcards and spelling tiles.

For each level, you will use a set of letter tiles to introduce a new spelling rule. Then you will ask the child to practice spelling words that use that phonetic rule and write dictated phrases and sentences that synthesize all of the spelling rules already taught. The book recommends practicing spelling the words on paper. My child spells a handful of words with the letter tiles and the rest on a dry erase board. We then do the dictated phrases and sentences on paper in our best handwriting.

All levels recommend working on each step until the concept is mastered. Lessons may take more than one day to complete. For older children, you may spend a little more time working through a lesson. A child may take one semester per level and another child may take a year to go through the same material.

You will need to purchase the reading interactive kit one time. It is then used throughout all four levels and can be used with All About Reading as well. There are no consumable components, meaning you can pass down materials to younger siblings.

Level 1: $29.95

Levels 2-7 (Each): $39.95

You may purchase through All About Learning's website.

Spelling You See

Spelling You See is a unique approach to teaching spelling. It is produced by DEMME Learning and aspires to work well for children with various learning types and abilities.

Programs are leveled by ability, not necessarily by grade. Each of the seven levels of the program has a different theme and students learn to spell while reading stories corresponding to that year’s theme. Themes range from nursery rhymes to history. Lessons are presented daily for thirty-six weeks.

Spelling is taught through “chunking,” copywork, and dictation. Chunking is the process of identifying phonetic rules and patterns within a set of words. Instead of focusing on memorization of spelling lists and rules, the program has child learning common patterns found within words. This is a mastery program, where students should demonstrate a thorough understanding of each concept before moving on to the next.

This is a completely open and go program with no planning required on the part of the parent. A moderate level of parental involvement will be required for the program.There is an instructional video that models how to implement lessons for each level.

Most materials are consumable except for the teacher’s manual. You will need to purchase a new student pack for each student.

Universal Set for Each Level: $47

Additional Student Packs (Each): $34

Spelling You See can be purchased from DEMME Learning.

Wordly Wise 3000

Wordly Wise is a secular based vocabulary program that is very independent (except Kindergarten and First grade). All materials are open and go and require no prep time for the teacher. Words include ones that students are likely to encounter on ACT and SAT tests, in academic textbooks, and in classic literary works.

There are narratives for children to read in each lesson. These are generally appropriate; however, they do have some bent towards environmentalism and feminism at times and they do not always support a young Earth Creationist viewpoint. I have used the first three levels with my family and I have not had any problem with the narratives. We just discuss anything that does not align with our worldview and use it as an opportunity to work on critical thinking skills.

In grades K and 1, students have a brightly colored student workbook. There are 15 lessons in each edition. Teaching sessions take approximately 15 minutes and there are 6-7 teaching sessions per lesson. For each lesson, children will be taught 10 new vocabulary words through brightly colored flashcards, a story, and activities in the workbook. Stories center around a sibling group and their friends and each week focuses on a different concept, usually relating to science or social studies.

For grades 2-12, students are presented with a word list containing 10-15 words. They will then proceed through approximately five exercises. The workbooks are primarily fill in the blank, multiple choice, and short answer. I have found that they are great to teach test taking skills that my children do not learn in other curricula that we use.

For grades 2-12 all you will need is a consumable student book. An answer key can make checking student work less time consuming. Test books are also available.

Each Set (Each Level K-1): $75.25

Student Book (Each Level 2-12): $9.45

Key Book (Each Level 2-12): $4.65

You may purchase books through various third party retailers. My favorite place to purchase is Rainbow Resources.

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